Nacida en Illa Mauricio, con trinta e tantos anos, Nathacha Appanah é unha das narradoras máis orixinais en lingua francesa. Porén, a súa obra permance inédita en castelán, existindo no mercado apenas a tradución dunha das súas novelas en catalán e outra en éuscaro. Encargámoslle a Emma Lázare a tradución de Le dernier frère, a súa última novela, aclamada o pasado ano en Francia polos lectores (obtivo os premios dos lectores da FNAC 2007 e dos lectores de L' Express 2008) e pola crítica. A verdade é que quedamos moi satisfeitos do resultado da tradución. Unha novela moi conmovedora e emocionante sobre a amizade. O derradeiro irmán estará dispoñible nas librarías galegas a finais deste mes de febreiro. Agardo que guste, tamén, aos lectores e lectoras en galego.
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I'm thrilled to hear about Nathacha Appanah's debut in Galician literature! It's fantastic that her work is receiving recognition and translation into new languages. Emma Lázare's translation of "Le dernier frère" sounds promising, and I can't wait to delve into this moving and exciting novel about friendship. Thank you for bringing such diverse and captivating literature to Galician bookstores. I'm sure readers will appreciate this enriching addition to their shelves.
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I'm thrilled to hear about Nathacha Appanah's debut in Galician literature! It's fantastic that her work is receiving recognition and translation into new languages. Emma Lázare's translation of "Le dernier frère" sounds promising, and I can't wait to delve into this moving and exciting novel about friendship. Thank you for bringing such diverse and captivating literature to Galician bookstores. I'm sure readers will appreciate this enriching addition to their shelves.
I love how you combined research with personal anecdotes—it made this so relatable!
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